Home Lifestyle I am always in front of you, but you will never see...

I am always in front of you, but you will never see me. What am I?

Let’s try your brain with this word riddle. You might think, that it is too simple to even be worth your time – but don’t judge from your first glance.

I am always in front of you, but you will never see me. What am I?

Can you solve it? Once you do, please put your findings in the comments section because we’d like to see how creative you really are too!

and, if you can not find the answer, scroll down to check it out!







Answer: future

Riddle – I am a five-letter word that is under you

I am a five-letter word that is under you
When you remove my 1st letter I am on top of you
If you remove my 1st and 2nd letter I am all around you
What am I?

The Answer is: A chair