Teasing our brains with online puzzles and quizzes can really keep you focused. It also gives you a sense of relief when you get it right- you get this minute of happiness where you feel so chuffed about yourself.
The task is to find out how many 8’s there are. But the catch is that you need to count them all within 10 seconds.
Only three out of ten of my friends were able to get them right. Let’s see if you can prove that these statistics are wrong!
Can you find all the 8’s in these images? Who Can Find Them in 30 Seconds?
So let’s see if you got the right answer.
There are eight 8’s in the above image, 7 are in between the sixes, but one is in the title question!
Let us know if you got it right by posting a comment and share with your friends to see if they are up to the challenge!
Can You find THREE HEARTS among the butterflies?
Created by Hungarian cartoonist Gergely Dudas, better known as Dudolf, the illustration shows loved-up animals embracing in a field of butterflies.
But somewhere in this vibrant image, there are THREE HEARTS love hearts. Do you have what it takes to find it?
now, look at the picture, can you find it?
dudolf image
Can you find it?
If you look closely, you might be able to see it.
Need a hint: there is no hint in this brainteaser.
So … did you find three hearts in the image? Scroll below to see where it’s hiding.
Still, stumped? Scroll down slowly to reveal the solution to this puzzle.
ready for the answer:
here they are…