Home Lifestyle A redhead, a brunette, and a blonde go to Heaven.

A redhead, a brunette, and a blonde go to Heaven.

A redhead, a brunette, and a blonde go to Heaven.

There are three girls. A redhead, a brunette, and a blonde. You are at the gates of heaven and God was waiting.

God said, “there are one hundred steps and for each step, there will be a joke if you laugh at it you go to hell.”

The redhead went first and got to joke eight before she busted up laughing she went to hell. The brunette went next and got to joke eighty-two before she busted up laughing so, she went to hell.

The blonde got to joke one hundred and started laughing before God told the final joke and said, “why are you laughing I haven’t even told the joke yet?”

The blonde said,” I just got joke 1.”

are you tired of blonde joke?

A man waving a rolled-up newspaper round his head.

A man waving a rolled-up newspaper round his head.

A woman came home to find her retired husband waving a rolled-up newspaper round his head.

Wife: ‘What are you doing dear?’

Husband: ‘Swatting flies – I got 3 males and 2 females

Wife: ‘How on earth do you know which gender they were?’

Husband: ‘Easy – 3 were on the beer, and the other 2 were on the phone.’