Home Lifestyle A police officer pulls over a car full of old women.

A police officer pulls over a car full of old women.

A police officer pulls over a car full of old women.

He says “Mam, you realize you can’t drive that slow on the highway. It’s dangerous.”

She responds “Isn’t the speed limit 33?”

Laughing the cop says “No man, this is highway 33. That’s not the speed limit.”

He looks into the back of the car and the women are frightened. He asks “What’s wrong with them?”



The lady says “I don’t know. We just came off of Highway 144.

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A trucker was awoken by some joggers

After driving for about six hours, a trucker decides to pull over and sleep for a little while.

As soon as he falls asleep, he is awoken by some knocks on the door of the cab.

“Can you tell me the time, please?” asks a jogger.

“Yeah, it’s 4:30,” answers the trucker.

He falls asleep again, but he is awoken again by another jogger who wants to know the time.

“It’s 4:40!” yells the trucker.

Deciding to really try to sleep a little, he writes on a piece of paper: I DON’T KNOW THE TIME.

He sticks the paper in his windshield. But he has awoken again.

‘It’s 5:25!” another jogger yells at him.