Home Lifestyle A man walks into a bar and orders 12 of the most...

A man walks into a bar and orders 12 of the most expensive whiskey shots.

A man walks into a bar and quickly orders 12 of the most expensive whiskey shots.

The bartender lines 12 shot glasses and fills them up.

The man quickly downs all 12 of them back to back and taps the bar, “again.”

The bartender looks a little surprised but lines up 12 more shots.

The man quickly fired all 12 of the most expensive whiskey shots and hit the bar again.

The bartender, clearly concerned, fills up 12 more shots and lines them on the bar.

The man quickly downs all 12 shots and hits the bar, “again.”

The bartender says, “hold up man! You gotta slow down!”

The man said, “Believe me, if you had what I had, you’d be drinking this fast too.”

“My God,” the bartender says, quietly leaning over the bar he asks, “what do you HAVE?”

“A dollar.”


Hope this joke will make you smile! Have a nice day!!

A man walks into a bar and orders a beer.

A man walks into a bar and asks for a beer.

“That’ll be five dollars”, the bartender says, and the guy throws 20 quarters onto the floor.

The bartender reluctantly picks up the coins and serves the beer.

The next day, the guy walks into the bar, asks for a beer, throws 20 quarters onto the floor, etc.

The next day again.

On the fourth day, he asks for a beer and hands the bartender a 10$ bill.

The bartender takes advantage of his chance for revenge, throws 20 quarters onto the floor, and yells “here’s your change a-sshole!”

The guy looks down at the coins and says, “I’ll have another beer, please.”


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