Home Lifestyle A duck walks in to a store.

A duck walks in to a store.

He shouts at the proprietor, “Hey! Got any duck food?”

The store proprietor answers, “No, we don’t.”

The next day, the duck returns, and asks, “Hey! Got any duck food?”

The store proprietor says, “I told you yesterday, we don’t have any duck food. Now please leave.”

The next day, the duck return, and asks, “Hey! Got any duck food?”

The store proprietor says, “For the last time, we don’t have any duck food! And if you come back here and ask again, I’m gonna nail your feet to the floor!”

The next day, the duck returns, and asks, “Hey! Got any nails?”

The store proprietor answers, “No, we don’t.”



The duck replies, “Good! Got any duck food?

A blonde couldn’t drive her car during the night.

A blonde called her car customer service saying she could only drive her car during the day. During the night, it didn’t move at all.

A mechanic comes and after an inspection couldn’t find anything wrong.

“You sure you put the right fuel?”

“Yup. Petrol”

Eventually, he asks her if she’s using the right gears.



She says, “Of course, I’m not stupid. I’m using D during the day and N during the night”

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