Home Lifestyle Try this mental exercise to test your wits and challenge your brain!

Try this mental exercise to test your wits and challenge your brain!

Looking for a fun mental exercise to test your wits and challenge your brain?

I have just the thing for you: a riddle that will put your problem-solving abilities to the test. The best part? You only have three minutes to crack it.

So, get ready to focus and put your thinking cap on. Are you ready to take on this challenge and see if you can solve it?

If you paint a brown house white it will become a white house, if the stop light changes from red to green then the light is green. So, if you throw a white shirt into the Red Sea, what will it become?

Let’s see how fast can you find the right answer!

The time is up!

Now, scroll down to check out the right answer







It will become wet.

There would be no color change because the Red Sea is not actually red

Riddle: You see a boat filled with people.

Can YOU solve the riddle that 98% of adults can’t … but 83% of kindergarten kids guess the answer correctly?

Now, give it a try!

Riddle today: You see a boat filled with people. It has not sunk. But when you look back, you don’t see a single person on the boat. Why?

It’s a tough one, but here’s a hint. The boat hasn’t sunk.

That narrows it down, but it’s still a tricky one. Think carefully for a moment before moving ahead. Pay close attention to the choice of words; how can they take on a different meaning?

Still haven’t got it? Well, not to worry. We have the answer for you right down below





The answer to the “you see a boat filled with people” riddle is “all the people on the boat are married.”

Comment your answer below 👇