Home Lifestyle Tom and Oscar.

Tom and Oscar.

So these two roaches, Tom and Oscar, are hanging out next to a dumpster enjoying a snack.

“Hey Tom” said Oscar to his friend, “You know that restaurant down the block? I went there yesterday to pick up some scraps, and I couldn’t believe how clean it was, I could practically see my reflection through the shiny waxed floor.”

“Oscar” hollered Tom spitting the food out of his mouth, “please not while I am eating!

Four women share a birthday and always celebrate it together.

For their 40th birthday they go to the Lakeview restaurant because the waiters are cute and wear tight pants.

For their 50th birthday they go to the Lakeview restaurant because the prices are reasonable and it has a good wine list.

For their 60th birthday they go to the Lakeview restaurant because it’s quiet and has a nice view.

For their 70th birthday they go to the Lakeview restaurant because it’s wheelchair accessible.

For their 80th birthday they go to the Lakeview restaurant because they’ve never been there before.

A lawyer defending a man accused of burglary tried this creative defence:

“My client merely inserted his arm into the window and removed a few trifling articles. His arm is not himself, and I fail to see how you can punish the whole individual for an offence committed by his limb.”

“Well put,” the judge replied.

“Using your logic, I sentence the defendant’s arm to one-year imprisonment. He can accompany it or not, as he chooses.”

The defendant smiled. With his lawyer’s assistance, he detached his artificial limb, laid it on the bench, and walked out.

Romantic Wife.

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