Home Lifestyle Three woman rob a bank

Three woman rob a bank

A blonde, a redhead, and a brunette rob a bank. When the cops arrive they get in their car and drive as far as they can to escape the cops

They ended up running out of gas right next to a barn. The redhead says “Let’s hide in there!”

Just as the cops are approaching them. They all run into the barn and find hiding places.

The redhead hides behind the pigs so when the cops come by she says “oink, oink”. The cops run along where the brunette hides behind the cows.

When the cops come closer to the cows, she says “Moo” so the cops walk away.



The blonde hides behind the haystack so when the cops come by she says “HAY HAY HAY”

A blonde wanted to earn some money

A blonde wanted to earn some money

A blonde wanted to earn some money, she decided to become a handyman type and started canvassing a wealthy neighborhood. She went to the front door of the first house and asked

“Well, you can paint my porch. How much will you charge?”
“How about 50 dollars?” said the blonde.

The man agreed and told her that the paint and ladders that she might need were in the garage. The man’s wife, inside the house, heard the conversation and said to her husband, “Does she realize that the porch goes all the way around the house?”

The man replied, “She should. She was standing on the porch.”
A short time later the blonde came to the door to collect her money.

“You’ve finished already?” he asked.

“Yes,” the blonde answered, “and I had paint leftover, so I gave it two coats.”

Impressed, the man reached into his wallet for the 50 dollars.

“And by the way,” the blonde added, “that’s not a Porsche; it’s a Ferrari!”