Home Lifestyle Three elderly man talking about the future.

Three elderly man talking about the future.

Three elderly gentlemen were talking about what their grandchildren would be saying about them in fifty years’ time.

The first said, “I would like my grandchildren to say ‘He was great fun to be with.’”

“Fifty years from now,” said the second, “I want mine to say ‘He was a loyal and loving family man.’”

Turning to the third man, they asked him, “So what do you want them to say about you in fifty years?”



“I want them to say,” the third man replied, “He looks really good for his age!”

A new teacher.

Little Johnny walks into school one day to find a substitute in place of his regular teacher.

She says, “Hello class, I’m Mrs. Prussy. When you say my name, class, remember it has an “r” after the first letter.”

The entire class says, “Hello Mrs. Prussy.”

A few days later the regular teacher is still sick when Little Johnny gets to his desk the teacher asks what her name is.

Johnny thinks hard and says to the teacher, “I remember it has an “r” after the first letter.”

“That’s right!” she coaxed.



Then after a few seconds, Little Johnny says, “Mrs. Crunt?”

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