Home Lifestyle Three blondes are attempting to change a light bulb.

Three blondes are attempting to change a light bulb.

Three blondes are attempting to change a light bulb.

One of them decides to call 911:

Blonde: We need help. We’re three blondes changing a light bulb.

Operator: Hmmmmm. Do you put in a fresh bulb?

Blonde: Yes.

Operator: The power in the house in on?

Blonde: Of course.

Operator: And the switch is on?

Blonde: Yes, yes.

Operator: And the bulb still won’t light up?

Blonde: No, it’s working fine.

Operator: Then what’s the problem?



Blonde: We got dizzy spinning the ladder around and around.

A Blond goes to work with tearful eyes

A Blond goes to work with tearful eyes

A blonde goes to work in tears. Her boss asks, “What’s wrong?”

She says, “My mom died.”

He told her to go home, but she said, “No, I’ll be fine.”

Later that day, her boss finds her crying again. He says, “What’s wrong?”


She replies, “I just talked to my sister, and her mom died, too!”