Home Lifestyle There was a blonde driving a car when a tree popped up...

There was a blonde driving a car when a tree popped up in front of her.

There was a blonde driving in a car and suddenly a tree popped up in front of her, so she swerved then another tree popped up in front of her right in the middle of the road so she swerved again and she kept swerving and dodging the trees until she stopped.

When a cop came and asked her what happened she told him all about the trees.



The cop said, “Mam you might want to take the tree ornament from the rear-view mirror!”

A blonde couldn’t drive her car during the night.

A blonde called her car customer service saying she could only drive her car during the day. During the night, it didn’t move at all.

A mechanic comes and after an inspection couldn’t find anything wrong.

“You sure you put the right fuel?”

“Yup. Petrol”

Eventually, he asks her if she’s using the right gears.



She says, “Of course, I’m not stupid. I’m using D during the day and N during the night”

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