Home Lifestyle The Saddest Story.

The Saddest Story.

Jim, Scott and Alex are tired after travelling all day and check into a hotel.

When they get to reception, they find out they’ll have to walk 75 flights of stairs to get to their room because the elevator is out of order.

Jim suggests that they do something interesting to pass time while they walk the 75 flights. Jim will tell jokes, Scott will sing songs, and Alex will tell sad stories.

So, Jim tells jokes for 25 flights, Scott sings songs for 25 flights and Alex tells sad stories for 24 flights.

When they reach the 75th floor, Alex tells his saddest story of all: “Guys, I left our room key at the reception.”

Before setting off on a business trip to Tulsa,

I called the hotel where I’d be staying to see if they had a gym.

The hotel receptionist’s sigh had a tinge of exasperation in it when she answered.

“We have over 300 guests at at this facility,” she said. “Does this ‘Jim’ have a last name?”

Three guys stranded on a desert island,

find a magic lantern containing a genie who grants them each one wish.

The first guy wishes he is off the island and back home.

The second guy wishes the same.

The third guy says, “I’m lonely. I wish my friends are back here.”

One night there were three female fugitives escaping from jail.

One was blonde, one was brunette and the other was a redhead.

They had the police hot on their trail and, quickly thinking the brunette points out an old, abandoned factory perfect for hiding in.

When all three were inside the redhead, quickly thinking said they should all hide in old potato sacks in the corner as they could hear the police approaching the factory.

They all got in their little potato sacks and barely a minute later the police came crashing through the door.

They looked at the sacks and said: ‘Hmm maybe they are hiding in these.’

The officer kicks the red-head’s sack and she makes whimpering noises. ‘Hmm just puppies in that sack’

The officer kicks the brunette’s sack and she makes mewing noises. ‘Hmm just kittens in that sack’ He says.

He finally kicks the blonde’s sack and she screams: ‘POTATOES! POTATOES!’

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