Home Lifestyle The Human Lightbulb

The Human Lightbulb

Two blondes are working at a warehouse.

One blonde, tired of working, says to the other: “Watch this, I’m going to act crazy so that the boss will send me home.”

She climbs up the racking and hangs from the rafters yelling, “I’M A LIGHTBULB, I’M A LIGHTBULB, I’M A LIGHTBULB!!”

“What are you doing?! Get down from there and GO HOME!” shouts the boss.

The second blonde picks up her tool bag and heads towards the door.

“Where in the HELL do you think you’re going??” the boss exclaims.

“What? I can’t be expected to work in the dark!”

LOL!! A dumb joke is still a good funny joke!

Hope this joke will make you smile! Have a nice day!

There are two blondes and a brunette on an island.

There are two blondes and a brunette on an island.

One of the blondes finds a bottle and a genie pops out.

The genie says he will grant them one wish each.

The first blonde says, “I need to get off this island, I wish for a rowboat.”

With a flash, a rowboat appears and she rushes out into the ocean.

The second blonde says, “I need to get off this island, I need a jetski.” With a flash, a jetski appears and she rushes out into the ocean, soon overtaking the first blonde.

The genie looks enquiringly toward the brunette, who with raised eyebrows, smiles and says, “Just give me a million dollars, and I’ll take the bridge.”


Hope this joke will make you smile! Have a nice day!!

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