Home Lifestyle The Different Son

The Different Son

A couple have 15 children, 14 of them are blonde and have blue eyes, 1 has black hair and brown eyes, his name is Richard.

One day the husband of the couple is dying of illness, her wife is sitting on her bed.

The husband says “Our Richard is different from the other kids, does he have a different father?”

His wife says yes. And, the man says, “Then, who is his dad?”



She said:… “You”.

Short stories about blonde


There’s a blonde. She enters a laughing contest. There are 10 levels to the contest. She gets to the 9th level and bursts into laughter. The host asks her “Why did you laugh, you could have won.” The blonde reply’s, “I finally got the first joke.”



Brunette: I’ll be the first brunette to walk on Mars!
Ginger: I’ll be the first ginger to walk on Venus!
Blonde: I’ll be the first blonde to walk on the sun!
Ginger: You’ll burn up if you try.
Blonde: Don’t worry, I’ll go at night



Blonde: “What does IDK stand for?”
Brunette: “I don’t know.”
Blonde: “OMG, nobody does!”

How many hidden bunnies can you find?