Home Lifestyle Relationship Riddle: Who is the man?

Relationship Riddle: Who is the man?

Relationship Riddle

John says, “Brothers and sisters, I have none but this man’s father is my father’s son. Who is the man?”

Can you come up with the answer?

Think carefully, read it a few times if you must.

Don’t worry, if you can’t find the correct answer we will show it to you the answer below.







Answer: The man in question is John’s son.


To make it easier to understand, let’s put this riddle this way, and let us call the man as ‘A’. So, A’s father is B, and B is John’s father’s son.

At the start, John said that he has no brothers and sisters. That means the son of John’s father is John itself. That means B is none other than John himself.

And A’s father is B, that means John is the father of A. And obviously, John can be the father of his own son.

How well can you understand relationships?

Don’t worry not a serious question but just a fun riddle here.

The actual question should be how well can you distinguish between relationship names?

Just go through the riddle below and find out.

Jerry is my uncle’s sister’s granddaughter’s son.

What is the closest possible relationship I can have to Jerry?

Can you figure out this riddle?

Scroll down for the answer.







Answer: Jerry is your grandson.

Let us explain how:

Your Uncle’s sister can be your mother or can be your aunt. But in the question, you have mentioned that we have to look for the closet relation thus, it will definitely be your mother.

Now, your mother’s granddaughter can either be your daughter or your niece. Again, daughter is the closer relation.

Advancing forward, your daughter’s son is without a doubt your grandson.

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