Home Lifestyle Real men stay faithful

Real men stay faithful

“A real man has nothing to hide. He will tell you the truth about whatever you want to know. Because he knows that if he is 100% honest with you, you will trust him no matter what. That’s the sign of a man who wants to grow with you.”

It Takes A Real Man To Realize That One Woman Is Enough!

A man who is constantly dating with different women or at the same time is involved with more than one woman, tends to be utterly selfish. A man who does such a thing must be a greedy loser without consideration for the feelings of their female counterparts.

A man who runs after different girls and gets bored quickly is not a real man. He should grow up and understand that a relationship needs work and is not always fun. When he loses the spark, he should work on it, instead of giving up and finding a new one.

A man who dates multiple women, plays the numbers game, and doesn’t want to settle down with you, isn’t a serious candidate for a long-term relationship.

#1 A real man knows that love is one of the most amazing feelings in the world.

Real men know that love is one of the most powerful feelings in the universe. He knows that in order to find it, he should have a partner who’s his lover and friend as well. This is the best type of love there is and the basis for a long-term healthy and happy relationship.

#2 He sees all your flaws and imperfections and still loves you the same.

It’s about empathy and compromise. We all have our mistakes and negative sides, but you have to accept them and learn to live with them. Do not try to find a perfect person because you are not perfect. Find someone whose downside does not bother you that much.

#3 He is ready to stand by your side in all circumstances and situations.

A real man realizes that life is a story of ups and downs. Everyone suffers and it is part of life. He knows that if you can share your suffering with him, you will feel much easier.

He understands that it is love only when he loves you the same, regardless of the situation. He is happy to be with you no matter what happens. He is always there, both in your pleasures and struggles, and you can always count on him. He is ready to be with you in all circumstances and situations.

#4 He lets you know that you are the best thing that happened to him.

A real man lets you know that you are the best thing that happened to him. He puts a smile on your face, it’s his morning ritual, like brushing his teeth or drinking his morning coffee. He ensures you do not go to bed sad, upset, or angry.

He makes you understand that the love of your life comes after a mistake of your life and that certain relationships are meant to teach you what love shouldn’t look like. He makes you realize that he’s there to make you appreciate yourself more, and not to settle just because you are afraid of being lonely.

#5 He is mature enough to face commitment.

It isn’t necessarily that he isn’t afraid of commitment — most men are — it is that he’s prepared to take that plunge nonetheless. He’s prepared to make all the necessary trade-offs since he knows you are more than worth it. He might fear commitment, but he does not run from it; he chooses to face his fear like a real man.

He might want nothing more than to settle down as well as love you with all his heart. Regardless of whether or not he’s afraid of commitment if he is ready to dedicate himself to you, he is a real man.

#6  No one ever gets tired of loving; they just get sick of waiting, assuming, hearing lies, saying sorry, and hurting.

Love is blind, at least in the beginning. At first, you may get away with some bad things, but this does not last long. Everyone has their limits. Everyone is tired of being lied to, waiting for someone all the time, and not being considered into plans. Even if they still love you, they just can not handle your behavior. So appreciate the one you are with and don’t make them question the relationship.

#7 Sometimes the love of your life comes after the mistake of your life.

Life is full of lessons. Some lessons are positive, and some hurt a lot, but they are all valuable. You might find the love of your life after you have been hurt many times. Do not ever give up or close yourself to love.

#8 Date your girlfriend regularly. Especially after you marry her.

Do not stop the flirt and going out even if you have been together for a long time. Find the spark, get dressed nicely, and go out on a date. It is, of course, easier after a long day to lie on the couch and eat take-out food, but it is important to work on that sparkle and fall in love with each other every day even more.

A good relationship means understanding each other and feeling that this is enough for both of you. The most important thing is, to be honest, and tell your partner when something does not work for you because most of the things can be fixed.

Find the love of your life and truly appreciate them every day!