Home Lifestyle Only a genius will find the hidden number in this picture

Only a genius will find the hidden number in this picture

Find the hidden number inside the picture!

Most times, it’s all about getting your eyes and brain to work together. Only when you get serious about it can you find out those little details that will lead you to the solution.

Like with the optical illusion below, for example, that I brought to test you today. I recently shared it with four colleagues, but only one immediately got it correctly. In other words, it’s difficult.

I had to sit down and concentrate; it took a while before I found the answer. It should be said, however, that this isn’t about either intelligence or vision ability. Sure, it’s clearer if you have reduced vision; otherwise, it should be balanced.

Here is today’s challenge.

Below, there is a picture that consists of many dots.

Somewhere among these dots, there’s a four-digit number hiding.

Can you see it?

Here is the picture. Good luck!

Did you find the hidden number?

If not, then you can try to look at the picture from other angles and distances, that way it becomes easier.

If you can’t see the number, we will show you the answer after the picture below.




Time for the answer

The answer is 5691.

Now that you know the answer, it may be easier to find.

Can you see it now?

Did you manage to solve this puzzle? Did you find it?

Only 1 in 10 can crack this puzzle: Can you move only 2 Matchsticks to get the highest number?

I found this brainteaser earlier today, and I really had to think long and hard about it. It’s not as easy as it looks at first glance – and apparently, only 10% get it right on the first try.

So you’ve got to be a real genius to find out the answer!

Challenge your friends

The number 5008 is written out with match sticks. The challenge is to find out the highest possible number by moving only 2 matches.

Can you do it? Try it now!

Caution: spoilers below!





Are you all done? I’ll give you a clue: the key is to increase how many separate numbers there are. You start out with 4 numbers, but you can end up with 6 of them! Take another look and see if you can figure it out!

Ready for the solution? Here it is!

The correct answer is 511108.

Comment your answer below 👇