Little Suzie badly wanted a little brother, so her dad suggested she pray for one every night.
Suzie prayed earnestly night after night, but her prayers seemingly went unanswered.
After a few weeks, she didn’t bother to ask anymore.
A few months later, her dad said they were going to see Mum in the hospital and she was going to get a big surprise.
When they got to the room, Little Suzie saw her mother holding two babies.
“Well, what do you think about having twin brothers?” her dad asked.
Little Suzie looked shocked and replied, “I bet you’re glad I stopped praying when I did!”
Little Johnny is sitting on a bench
Little Johnny is sitting on a bench, eating a massive bag of candy.
After the sixth one, a man on the bench across from him said, “Son, you know it’s not good for you to eat all that candy. It will give you acne, rot your teeth, and make you fat.”
A little boy replied, “My grandfather lived to be 107 years old.”
The man asked, “Did your grandfather eat 6 candy bars at a time?”
A little boy replied, “No, he minded his own business!”
Hope this joke will make you smile! Have a nice day!!
Little Johnny comes downstairs crying.
Little Johnny comes downstairs crying.