Home Lifestyle Laughing Prayer.

Laughing Prayer.

A father was waiting nearby while his young son prayed silently before going to bed.

Suddenly the boy burst out laughing.

“Reggie!” scolded his father, “Why are you laughing during prayer?”

“But Dad,” the boy answered, “you told me that prayer is talking to God as to a friend, and I just told him a joke.”

Everyone was seated around the table as the food was being served.

When little Logan received his plate, he started eating right away.

“Logan, wait until we say our prayer,” his mother reminded him.

“I don’t have to,” the little boy replied.

“Of course you do,” his mother insisted, “we say a prayer before eating at our house.”

“That’s at our house,” Logan explained, “but this is Grandma’s house and she knows how to cook.”

A man is sent to prison for the first time.

At night, the lights in the cell block are turned off, and his cellmate goes over to the bars and yells, “Number twelve!” The whole cell block breaks out laughing. A few minutes later, somebody else in the cell block yells, “Number four!” Again, the whole cell block breaks out laughing.

The new guy asks his cellmate what’s going on. “Well,” says the older prisoner, “we’ve all been in this prison for so long. We all know the same jokes. So we just yell out the number instead of saying the whole joke.”

So the new guy walks up to the bars and yells, “Number twenty-nine!” This time the whole cell block rocks with the loudest laughter, prisoners rolling on the floor laughing hysterically.

When the guffaws die down, the bewildered new guy turns to the older prisoner and asks, “How come you guys were laughing so hard this time?”

“Oh,” says the older man wiping tears from his eyes, “we’d never heard that one before.”

One day while a blonde was out driving her car, she ran into a truck.

The truck driver made her pull over into a parking lot and told her to step out of the car.

He took a piece of chalk and drew a circle on the pavement. He told her to stand in the middle and not leave the circle.

Furious, he went over to her car and slashed the tires.

The blonde started laughing. This made the man angrier so he smashed the car’s windshield.

This time the blonde laughed even harder.

Livid, the man broke all the windows and keyed her car.

The blonde is now laughing hysterically, so the truck driver asks her what’s so funny.

The blonde giggled and replied, “When you weren’t looking, I stepped out of the circle three times!


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