Home Lifestyle Jacob asked his teacher some tricky questions

Jacob asked his teacher some tricky questions

Jacob was sitting in the hall of the school, completely bored.

Suddenly the teacher walked by and he asked her, “How do you put an elephant in the refrigerator?”

The teacher, amused, said, “I don’t know, how?”

Then Jacob said, “Open the door and put it in there!”

Then Jacob asked the teacher another question, “How do you put a giraffe in the refrigerator?

The teacher then replied, “Oh, I know that. Do you open the door and put it in?”

Jacob said, “No, open the door, take the elephant out, then put it in there.”

Then he asked another question, “All the animals went to the tiger’s birthday party except one animal, which one was it?”

The teacher was a little confused and said, “The tiger?

Then the student replied, “No, the giraffe because he’s still in the fridge.”

Then he asked her just one more question, “If there is a river full of crocodiles and you wanted to get across it, how would you?”

The teacher then says, “Well. you would walk over the bridge.”

Then Jacob says, “No, you would swim across because all the crocodiles are at the tiger’s birthday party!”

She laughs and walks away.

LOL!! Hope this joke will make you smile! Have a nice day!!

The teacher was asking the end-of-the-day question

The teacher was asking the end-of-the-day question that she asks every Friday.

If the student got it right they would not have to go to school on Monday.

Little Johnny Was determined to answer correctly.

So he painted two black marbles and rolled them to the teacher’s feet.

Suddenly she Shouted out, “Who’s the comedian with the black balls?”.

Johnny shouted out, “Bill Cosby, see ya on Tuesday suckas!”

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