Home Lifestyle How Many Hidden Snails Can You Find?

How Many Hidden Snails Can You Find?

How many snails are hidden in the image? Test for the most attentive

A black and white image that, at first, looks like just a tree, some plants, mushrooms, and earth has, after all, some snails have hidden. The real challenge is discovering them.

In the test, you will have only one task and it consists of finding snails.

Try to find them yourself first, and then check for yourself – did you find all of them?

You’ll probably have to zoom in on the image to find them, as besides being small they hid very well.

If you haven’t detected them yet or want to confirm that you saw them in the right place, the image below has the solution for this challenge, with a yellow arrow pointing to the correct place.





After the image with the task, I will write the number of hidden snails.

If you find less, you can go back to the task and find the rest.

A total of five snails are in the image.

Can YOU spot the tiny heart hidden among these flamingos?


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