Home Lifestyle How Many Cubes Are On The Trailer?

How Many Cubes Are On The Trailer?

The brain teaser that challenges people to count the number of cubes loaded on a trailer has sparked a debate on the correct answer.

Look at this photo and see if you can figure out how many cubes you can see.

“How many cubes are on the trailer?” reads the text insert on the brain teaser. The picture shows the side, back, and top view of the trailer carrying the cubes. Using this information, you need to determine the total number of cubes that are loaded on this trailer.

Take a look at the brain teaser here:

This brain teaser was shared on Instgaram’s Threads. (Threads/@hiaguero)

Easy, right? Well, it isn’t, and it has left people scratching their heads. The puzzle has also started a debate on the correct answer. Do you consider yourself a puzzle master? If so, solve this puzzle correctly and prove it.

Check out a few answers to this post here:

“Any number from 47 to 51. Need more information to discern further for four of the blocks,” expressed an individual.

Another added, “There’s no way to be sure since we don’t know if the side angle remains the same all the way through. I could be wrong, but I count 35 minimum and 51 maximum.”

“51 assuming the other side view looks the same,” wrote a third.

A fourth commented, “51 cubes. I am right.”

“With the info provided, anything between 35 to 51 would be possible, 51 if you assume each row is ‘completed’,” shared a fifth.

A sixth joined, “Bottom row 7*3, middle row 6*3, top row 4*3. This adds up to 51.”

A few even shared that there is not enough information provided in this brain teaser and hence the correct answer may vary between 35 and 51.

How about you? Were you able to solve this brain teaser? If so, what answer did you get?

Comment your answer below 👇