Home Lifestyle How fast can you find the sunglasses in this brainteaser?

How fast can you find the sunglasses in this brainteaser?

According to the creators, just 15 % of people will spot the sunglasses immediately. In fact, if you can find the shades in under 30 seconds, then you, my friend, can claim to be one of those elite members of this web!

So will YOU be one of the top players? give it a try!

Can you see the sunglasses?

If you can’t, try again.

Still no sign of it?

Here is a sign for you: It’s near a heart!

The answer is below.

If you want to see where it is, keep scrolling.

Or if you want to look one more time, now’s your chance to scroll back up.

Ready to see the answer?




LOL, did you find it in less than 1 minute? if you can you are a genius!

Now, try more brainteasers?

Spot the spade!

There’s a spade hiding in this mind-bending puzzle – can YOU beat the 15-second record?

So can YOU beat the 40-second record? Because we certainly couldn’t.

Don’t worry, if you’re still struggling – we’ve got the answer for you at the bottom of the page.

Now, Let’s start:

Found the spade yet?


We’ll give you one last shot.

Ready to see where it’s hidden?

Alright, here it is:





