Home Lifestyle Horse riddle: Which Horse’s Head Can be Seen in Front?

Horse riddle: Which Horse’s Head Can be Seen in Front?

Some photos that you click come out strange when you see them. Here is one picture like that.

Look at the horse riddle and guess which horse’s head is seen in the front?


Which Horse’s Head Can be Seen in Front?

Here is one picture like that.

Look at the picture and guess which horse’s head is seen in the front?

So were you able to solve the riddle? Leave your answers in the comment section below.







The answer is B

The color of the mane matches the horse’s head.

Can you solve all these riddles and prove you’re a genius?

Solving brain teasers boosts brainpower, keeps your memory strong, and entertains everyone to no end. See how many of these tricky puzzles for adults and teens you can figure out—without cheating!

1. Two people were playing chess. They both won. How is this possible?

2. What word is always spelled wrong?

3. Which letter of the alphabet has the most water?

4. What invention lets you look right through a wall?

5. Where does today come before yesterday?

the answer will be shown below, scroll down to check it!




1. Answer: They were playing two different games, against other opponents.

2. Answer: “Wrong.”

Well, if you want to get technical, it’s not always spelled “W-R-O-N-G”…if you spell it wrong! So then, is it still spelled wrong? Phew! Short riddles can still make you think a whole lot.

3. Answer: The “C.” Now, see if you can solve this tricky “how many letters are in the alphabet” riddle.

4. Answer: A window!

5. Answer: In the dictionary.