Home Lifestyle Funny story: “Are you reading that?”

Funny story: “Are you reading that?”

Funny story: “Are you reading that?”

I was on the subway, sitting on a newspaper, and a guy comes over and asks “Are you reading that?” I didn’t know what to say.
So I said yes.



I stood up, turned the page, and sat down again.

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The Old Snake and the Doctor

An old snake goes to see his doctor and says, “I need something for my eyes… I can’t see very well these days”.

The doctor fixes him up with a pair of glasses and tells him to return in two weeks.

The snake comes back in two weeks and tells the doctor that he’s very depressed.

“What’s the problem?” Asks the doctor. “Didn’t the glasses help you?”

“The glasses are fine doc.” Answers the snake dejectedly. “Thing is, I just discovered I’ve been living with a garden hose the past 2 years.”

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