Home Lifestyle For Intelligent People Only: Can You Solve It?

For Intelligent People Only: Can You Solve It?

This math puzzle is really interesting and is viral all around the world. This tricky math question is one of the most shared images in WhatsApp during the 2020 lockdown period.

We have solved this and given a solution with the explanation below. Share if you like.







405 is the answer

Equation 1: 9 + 9 + 3 = 21 (In this eqn, First & Secong Clock time is 9 o’clock & time in third clock is 3 o’clock)
Equation 2: 10 + 10 + 10 = 30 (In this eqn, Calculator = 10 ; Also note that the sum of the values entyered in the calculator is also 10
Equation 3: 15 + 15 – 15 = 15 (In this eqn, Bulb = 15 ; Also note that we get 15 by multipliying the number of rings at the bottom of the bulb and number of lines shown above the bulb (3 x 5).
Equation 4: 9 + 9 x (12 + 16 + 16)
=> 9 + 9 x 44
=> 9 + 396
=> 405 (In this eqn, The time in clock = 9 ; The sum of the values entered in the calculator is 9 ; To get the values of each bulb, multiply the rings and the lines above the bulb)

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