Home Lifestyle Find Butterfly, Pear, Bowl, Pencil and Sailing Boat.

Find Butterfly, Pear, Bowl, Pencil and Sailing Boat.

At first glance, this picture consists of a lot of hidden objects. But somewhere in the picture, there’s a Pear, Butterfly, Bowl, Pencil, and Sailing Boat hiding.

So, the challenge is to find the sneaky Pear, Butterfly, Bowl, Pencil, and Sailing Boat. It’s easier said than done!

Can you do it? Ready, set, and go!

The entire image is black and white, meaning the hidden objects are very well hidden.

Can you spot them in less than 30 seconds?

So, how long will it take you?





If you’re struggling, we’ll put you out of your misery.

This one is really tricky. Nobody in my family could do it on their own! If you didn’t spot the Pear, Butterfly, Bowl, Pencil, and Sailing Boat don’t fret – the solution is shown below.

This is one of the trickier ones so far.