Home Lifestyle Find A Hedgehog Hidden In The Woods In This Tricky Puzzle.

Find A Hedgehog Hidden In The Woods In This Tricky Puzzle.

Are you up for a challenge? We’ve got a tricky seek-and-find picture puzzle that will give your eyes a workout.

Look at the below image and see if you can find the hedgehog hidden in the woods. It might sound simple, but don’t get too confident before you’ve had a look: This is actually pretty difficult!

… Can’t find him?

Try looking towards the right of the image…

Still no luck?

Or think you’ve found him and want to check?

Scroll down to reveal the answer!




Can YOU spot the heart hidden among the flowers?

A tricky Mother’s Day brainteaser is challenging players to spot the hidden heart in the flowers.

Can you find the hidden heart? Give it a try and put your observational skills to the test.

Look at the picture below:

Did you find the heart?

Need a few more minutes?

We’ll give you some more time …

Found the heart?


We’ll give you one last shot.

Ready to see where it’s hidden?

Alright, here it is:

Comment your answer below 👇