Home Lifestyle Do you have any idea where we are?

Do you have any idea where we are?

A bush-pilot drops Bob and Ted, two hunters, at a remote lake in Northern Ontario.

He tells them that he’ll be back in a week, and warns them that his plane won’t be able to take off with more than one moose.

The next week he returns, and sure enough, the hunters have bagged two moose. The pilot tells them there’s no way they can take off with the two moose.

Ted says, “I don’t know, the pilot last year took off with two moose.”

To which Bob adds, “Yeah, but maybe he wasn’t a total coward!”

Not wanting to be outdone, the pilot loads up everything and they start to move down the lake. The plane is gathering speed, but the pines on the shore are rapidly approaching. Finally, the plane gets airborne, but one wing clips the top of a tree. The plane spins, crashes into the trees, and breaks apart.

Sometime later Ted regains consciousness and begins searching for his buddy.

He finds him, and when he wakes him up Bob asks, “Do you have any idea where we are?”

Ted replies, “I think about 200 yards further than last year.”

Two Roofers, Bob and Dan,

were putting a new roof on a barn when a bundle of shingles slid down the slope and knocked the ladder over.

Bob and Dan decided since it was early they would continue working because someone would surely come around by quitting time.

It was nearing 5 PM and they hadn’t seen hide nor hair of anyone.

So, they walked around the roof a few times and finally decided there was only one way down.

On the West side of the barn was a big manure pile.

Bob says, “It’s the only way down. I will go first.” Bob jumped.

Dan heard the squishy landing and yelled, “Hey Bob! How deep did you go?”

Bob yells back, “I went to my ankles Dan, come on JUMP!”

Dan jumps… and sinks clear up to his neck in manure! “I thought when you jumped you went up to your ankles?” He shouts at his friend.

“I did…” Explained Bob, “but I landed head first!”

On the way home from a hunt, a hunter stops by the grocery store.

“Give me a couple of steaks,” he says.

“We’re out of steaks but we have hot dogs and chicken,” says the butcher.

“Hotdogs and chicken?!” yells the hunter. “How can I tell my wife I bagged a couple of hotdogs and chickens?”

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