Home Lifestyle Can you spot the pie that’s already had a bite taken...

Can you spot the pie that’s already had a bite taken out of it?

A new seek-and-find puzzle challenged to spot the pie that already has a bite missing.

According to the creators, the current record stands at an impressive 35 seconds. So, do you think you can beat it?

now, can you find it?

… Can’t find it?

Try looking towards the right of the image…

Still no luck?

Or think you’ve found it and want to check?

Scroll down to reveal the answer!




Spot the birthday present in less than 51 seconds!

This birthday brainteaser promises to put your observation skills to the test.

The seek-and-find puzzle challenges players to spot the birthday present box hidden in the vibrant scene.

now, look at the picture:

Spot the birthday present in less than 51 seconds!

Do you see the birthday present?


If not, that’s OK.

Keep trying.

If you want to see the solution, keep scrolling.

Last chance to turn back!

Here it is:


