Home Lifestyle Can you spot the odd piece of fruit in just 20 second?

Can you spot the odd piece of fruit in just 20 second?

CAN you spot the rogue piece of fruit in this box of apples in 20 seconds?

This fruity problem is doing the rounds on social media but how quickly can you see the odd one out?

If you can not find it, Scroll down to see the reveal

How quickly can you find it.



scroll down to check the answer:




Can you find one zebra without a pair?

In this puzzle, players must look at the zebra and identify the odd-one-out.

You have only 50 seconds to find him out. In the picture below, there are a lot of zebras, they look the same, but one is different.

now, here we go!

The black and white color scheme also makes things difficult.

Are you struggling to find one zebra without a companion? Take a look at the bottom half of the image.

Do you still have problems? Then scroll down to see it.







Comment your answer below 👇