Home Lifestyle Can YOU spot the bear!

Can YOU spot the bear!

One more Christmas riddle for you. Is there anything better to do in this wonderful time?
Long cold winter evenings are a perfect opportunity to give your brain a bit of exercise.

One of the best brain teasers is by far the one where you need to spot something.

In this huge herd of reindeer, there is a bear hiding. Try to find it as quickly as you only can

Can YOU spot the bear in this reindeer scene?

Source: fabiosa.com

you have 30 seconds to find the hidden bear







There’s a star hidden among over 150 Christmas trees. Can you spot it?

In today’s puzzle, the retailer challenges you to find the star hidden among over 150 Christmas trees in Christmas-inspired scenes – scroll down for the answer, but no cheating!

Take a look at the brain teaser:

Did you find the star?

If not, try again.

Still no sign of it?

That’s okay.

The answer is below.

If you want to see where it is, keep scrolling.

Or if you want to look one more time, now’s your chance to scroll back up.

Ready to see the answer?

Here it is: