Home Lifestyle Can you solve this tricky watermelon riddle?

Can you solve this tricky watermelon riddle?

Today, we present to you a tricky watermelon riddle that will make you ponder and reason.

Are you ready to take on this challenge and unlock its clever solution? Prepare to delve into the world of Farmer Brown and his mysterious watermelons.

Can you solve this riddle and uncover the number of melons he took to town?

Let’s begin this puzzling journey and see if you can crack the code of the watermelon mystery!

Can you solve this riddle in less than 3 minutes?

it’s not an easy one.

scroll down to see the answer if you need it!





You have an unknown number of watermelons to start. We’ll call that unknown number “x”. The farmer sells 1/2 of his watermelons and another 1/2 of a watermelon. This is represented by the formula x/2 – 1/2, the number he has sold. He is left with 1 watermelon. Now we have our complete formula:

x/2 – 1/2 = 1

x/2 = 3/2

x = 3

What is the total number of people in this riddle?

Here’s the riddle – 7 men have 7 wives, and each couple has 7 children.

But what is the total number of people in this group?

It may seem like a simple question, but don’t be fooled – this puzzle requires some careful calculations and strategic thinking.

So, get out your calculators, and let’s see if you can crack this tricky math riddle!

7 men have 7 wives. Each man and each wife has 7 children. What is the total number of people?







One possible answer is 63, but how do you get there?

Well, if 7 men have 7 wives, that means they have one wife each so that will be 7 + 7 = 14.

Then, each wife has 7 children, so that will be 7 x 7 = 49.

Next, we add the children to the men and wives and get 49 + 14 = 63. So the total number of people is 63.

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