Home Lifestyle Can You Solve This Tricky Leg Riddle?

Can You Solve This Tricky Leg Riddle?

What walks on four legs in the morning, two legs at noon, and three legs in the evening?

Here’s another, less famous, “leg riddle,” one that you might not have heard before.

You have 3 cows, 2 dogs, and 1 cat. How many legs do you have?

The ancient Greeks weren’t the only ones who knew how be creative with words!  thinking a bout it carefully!







The answer is 2, of course!

Did you find the right answer? comment bellow

Find A Hedgehog Hidden In The Woods In This Tricky Puzzle.

Are you up for a challenge? We’ve got a tricky seek-and-find picture puzzle that will give your eyes a workout.

Look at the below image and see if you can find the hedgehog hidden in the woods. It might sound simple, but don’t get too confident before you’ve had a look: This is actually pretty difficult!

… Can’t find him?

Try looking towards the right of the image…

Still no luck?

Or think you’ve found him and want to check?

Scroll down to reveal the answer!


