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can you solve this “Who am I” riddle in less than 1 minute?

If you have a few minutes to spare, try solving this easy and fun  riddle. look around, anything can be a clue to solve this one.

Okay, pay attention – this is a tricky one: Can You Solve this “Who am I” riddle?

I shave every day,
but my beard stays the same.
Who am I?

Can you solve it in less than 1 minutes?







Answer: A barber.

Riddle for you – I am a five letter word that is under you

Riddles have recently become more and more popular online. And it’s perhaps not that difficult to understand if you think back to childhood when you often sat down to solve that new riddle your teacher gave you for homework. Riddles have a nostalgic factor to them.

To solve puzzles, concentration is vital, as well as thinking outside the box.

Can you find the answer to this confusing riddle?

Here is today’s confusing riddle, check the picture below.

I am a five-letter word that is under you
When you remove my 1st letter I am on top of you
If you remove my 1st and 2nd letter I am all around you
What am I?

your time limit is: 3 minutes, can you solve it?

if you haven’t found the answer yet, scroll down to check out the result!







The Answer is: A chair