Home Lifestyle Can you find the odd scooter out in this brainteaser?

Can you find the odd scooter out in this brainteaser?

Few people can find the odd scooter hiding in the picture in less than 20 seconds! Is that you?

We have compiled an easy mindfulness workout for you that will kick-start your brain activity and create favorable conditions for the day ahead.

Take a look, can you find it?

Can you spot the odd scooter out?

Keep looking, and you might find it lurking in the shadows.

Don’t be scared. Keep both eyes open.

Need a hint?

Look closely at the bottom of the picture.

Keep scrolling for the answer.




Can you find the odd Christmas emoji in this brainteaser?

Christmas is coming soon!

Today, we give you a Christmas puzzle. In this game, you have to find the odd one out in each picture. The time limit is 20 seconds for each.

Let’s get started right away! Good luck!

1. Could you find the odd one out?




Time for the solution!