Home Lifestyle Can You Find The Mistake In This Picture?

Can You Find The Mistake In This Picture?

We love a good brain teaser here at the AJ, so here is one for you…complete with the answer just in case you get stumped!

How fast did you find the mistake?

Do you see it? Hint: it helps to read it out loud. If you’re still stuck, scroll down to see the answer.



…and the answer is…


Let’s see if you’re clever enough to find the solution to this tricky math problem

Most people get it wrong

For this problem, it’s essential to remember the order of operations while also having a good eye for detail. It’s not an easy task – and according to most sites online, most people get it wrong on their first try.

Can you figure out the solution?

Time to use that head of yours.

Here is the solution
Below we’ll show you the answer.

Make sure you have a number in mind before seeing the result after this picture!

The answer is 30.

Comment your answer below 👇