Home Lifestyle Can you find the dog that stands out in this puzzle?

Can you find the dog that stands out in this puzzle?

If you’re enjoying the last few weeks of the summer holidays with family adventures, why not take a minute to put your observation skills to the test?

A tricky puzzle challenges you to spot the dog that stands out in less than 30 seconds.

Let’s see how fast can you find him.

Can you find it?

If you look closely, you might be able to see it.

Need a hint: focus on the center of the pic.

So … did you find the different dog?

Scroll below to see where he’s hiding.

Still stumped? Scroll down slowly to reveal the solution to this puzzle.






Can you spot the hiding owl in less than 20 seconds?

Can you spot the tiny owl sitting on a branch among the leaves?

Its brown and white colors help it blend in with the leaves of this tree.

Not many people can find it in less than 20 seconds.

Do you see the owl?

If not, that’s OK.

Keep trying.

Here’s a hint.

If you can’t find it, look to the left of the biggest branch running diagonally through the image

If you want to see the solution, keep scrolling.

Last chance to turn back!

Here it is:




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