Home Lifestyle Can you figure out the answer to this fun riddle?

Can you figure out the answer to this fun riddle?

Riddles can be easy and riddles can be hard, but one thing that riddles always are is that they’re fun.

Read on to see a few riddles to get your brain going! Most important find the answer to this riddle of the day.

Riddle 1: Spelled forwards I’m what you do every day, spelled backward I’m something you hate.

What am I?

Riddle 2: I can fly but I have no wings. I can cry but I have no eyes.

What am I?

Riddle 3: Skinny I am fast, fat I am slow but I’ll still delight you from your eyes to your nose.

What am I?

Scroll down to check out the answer:




Riddle 1: Live

Riddle 2: Cloud

Riddle 3: A candle.

Funny riddle: Only a genius can solve this

Who doesn’t love brain teasers and challenging riddles? If you think you’re already a pro at solving tricky riddles, put yourself to the test with this and find out!

The major head-scratchers in this riddle might take some big-time brainpower to solve—but it sure feels great when you figure one out!

Now, give it a try!

I have branches, yet I have no leaves, no trunk, and no fruit. What am I?

You have 2 minutes to solve this funny riddle.

Take your time!

1 more minute!

scroll down to check out the answer:




The answer to I have Branches, But no fruit, trunk or leaves. What am I? Riddle is nothing other than the BANK.


The bank has many branches at various locations but doesn’t have a trunk, leaves, and fruits as that of a tree branch.