Home Lifestyle An old man is eating some breakfast at a diner.

An old man is eating some breakfast at a diner.

An old man is eating some breakfast at a diner when three bikers walk in.

The first biker puts out his cigarette in the old man’s pancakes and laughs.

The second biker spits out his tobacco in the old man’s coffee and laughs.

The third biker takes the entire meal and shoves it off the table and laughs.

The old man, without saying so much as a word, gets up, pays the waitress and exits the diner.

The three bikers sit at the old man’s table. “Not much of a man, was he?” says one of the bikers.



“Not much of a driver either,” says the waitress. “That man just drove his 16-wheeler over three bikes.”

Moral: Never tease or ridicule old people, or else they will make you pay.

LoLLL, now, scroll down to see the next joke:

Little Johnny gets a loan

Little Johnny was being questioned by the teacher during an arithmetic lesson.

”If you had eleven dollars and I asked you for a loan of six dollars, how much would you have left?” said the teacher.

Little Johnny replied ”eleven dollars”.

”Why eleven?” the teacher said.



”You may ask for a loan of six dollars, but that doesn’t mean you’ll get it!” replied Little Johnny.

Is he stingy or smart?