Home Lifestyle An Old Lady In A Parking Space.

An Old Lady In A Parking Space.

An old lady was stopped to pull into a parking space when a young man in his new red Mercedes drove around her and parked in the space she was waiting for.

The little old lady was so upset that she approached the man and said, “I was going to park there!”

The man was a real smart alec and he said, “That’s what you can do when you’re young and bright.”

“Well, this really upset the lady, even more, So she got in her car and backed it up, and then she stomped on the gas and plowed straight into his Mercedes.

The young man ran back to his car and asked, “What did you do that for?”

The little old lady smiled and told him, “That’s what you can do when you’re old and rich!”


An Old Lady Is In The Supermarket.

The old lady is in the supermarket and starts throwing the frozen veggies on the floor, so the manager asks if he can help.

“I’m looking for Broccoli.”

He informs her that they are out of stock, and she leaves.

An hour later she is back throwing the frozen veggies onto the floor, the irate manager asks again if he can help.

“I’m looking for Broccoli.”

Once again he informs her that they are out of stock.

15 mins before closing, she comes stalking straight to the frozen veggies, as she is about to start throwing them out, the very irritated manager asks can I help.

“I’m looking for Broccoli.”

The Manager asks Madam can you spell Dog in Dogmore.

She says yes ”DOG.”

“Very good, can you spell Cat in Catsdelight.”

She says “CAT.”

“Very good, now can you spell F in Broccoli.”

She says, ”there’s no F in Broccoli.“

“Madam, I’ve been trying to tell you that all day!!!”


Hope this joke will make you smile! Have a nice day!!

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