Home Lifestyle An Indian cab driver picked up a Japanese man from a hotel

An Indian cab driver picked up a Japanese man from a hotel

An Indian taxi driver picked up a Japanese man from a hotel.

Along the way, they saw a Honda motorcycle overtook the taxicab and the Japanese man said, “A very fast motorcycle, made in Japan.

Then a Toyota car overtook the taxicab and the Japanese man said, “A very fast car, made in Japan.”

When they reached the destination, the fare was 1,500 rupees.

The Japanese man thought that the ride was would only cost 500 rupees.

He asked the driver why the ride was so expensive.

The driver said, “A very fast meter, made in India.”


Hope this joke will make you smile! Have a nice day! 

An Italian, a Scotsman, and a Thai man are hired at a construction site.

An Italian, a Scotsman, and a Thai man are hired at a construction site. 

The salary is great, so they go off and look for the boss.

They find him and he says to them, “Well, you know, I don’t usually hire foreigners here, but you three seem like a nice bunch, I’ll give you a try.

I want you, the Italian, to go back to the mine and work on digging, you have the muscles to get the task done well every day.

You the Scotsman, I want you to cart out the coal and load it into the trains every day.

And you, the Thai man, I want you to be responsible for providing supplies to the people in the mine. “

Well, on the second day, the boss goes down to the mine to check in on his new employees.

He sees the Scotsman toting coal up out the mines and loading it onto the trains and he’s satisfied.

He goes down into the mine to check on the Italian and the Thai man.

Well, he sees the Irishman digging out the coal, but the Thai man is nowhere in sight.

He asks the Italian if he has seen him lately and he replies, “No, no one has seen him all day, we’re running low on supplies down here.”

Fearing the worst, the boss starts wandering around the mine looking for his worker.

Suddenly, the Thai man jumps out from behind a pile of rubble, scaring the crap out of the boss, and yells, “SUPPLIES!!!”

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