Home Lifestyle A woman went to the grocery store to buy broccoli.

A woman went to the grocery store to buy broccoli.

So a woman walks into a grocery store and asks “Do you have any broccoli”

“No,” says the guy stocking shelves.

So the woman leaves.

So the woman came back the next day and asked the same question, again the guy said no.

So again the woman came back and asked again, so the guy finally said can you spell cat as in catastrophe so she spells c-a-t.

And can you spell dog as in dogborne? So she says d-o-g.

Now can you spell freak as in broccoli?



Then the woman says “There is no freak in broccoli, THAT’S WHAT I’VE BEEN TRYING TO TELL YOU!!

Two guys are riding on a train through Texas.

Two guys are riding on a train through Texas.

As the train passes by a ranch the first guy turns to the second and tells him there are 1,356 cows on the ranch.

The second guy says, “That’s amazing! I happen to own that ranch and I know for a fact that I have 1,356 head of cattle. How did you ever figure out the number of cows from a speeding train?”


“Oh it’s simple” the first guy replies. “I counted the legs and divided by four.”

LoLLL, can you guess the first guy’s hair color?