Home Lifestyle A Preacher decided to go hunting

A Preacher decided to go hunting

One day this Preacher decided that he would skip church and go hunting.

When in the woods he came upon a bear. He started running, and he ran for a while
until all of a sudden he tripped over a tree root.

At this moment he was almost face to face with the bear.

He dropped to his knees and said, “Dear Lord, if there is one wish I would want for you to give me it would be to make this bear a Christian.”

And at that instant, the bear halted to a stop and dropped to his knees and said, “Dear Lord, thank you for the food I am about to receive!”

An officer sees a man driving a truck full of penguins.

An officer sees a man driving a truck full of penguins. He pulls the guy over and says, “You can’t drive around with penguins in this town! Take them to the zoo immediately.”

The guy obliges and drives away.

The next day, the officer sees the same guy driving around with the truck full of penguins again. This time, though, all the penguins are wearing sunglasses.

The police officer pulls the guy over and says, “I thought I told you to take these penguins to the zoo yesterday?”

The guy replies, “I did, and today I’m taking them to the beach.”

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