Home Lifestyle A man was chatting to his six-year-old son.

A man was chatting to his six-year-old son.

A man was chatting to his six-year-old son.

The little boy watched a lot of TV, so the dad asked: “If you found a couple of dollars and had to spend it, what would you buy?”

“A box of ta…mp..o….ns,” he replied without hesitation.

“Ta….m..po…ns?” said the father, rather confused. “What would you do with them?”

“Well,” said the little boy. “I don’t know exactly, but it’s sure worth two dollars.



With ta…m…p….ons, it says on the TV that you can go swimming, horseback riding, and skating, any time you want to!”

My little daughter announced that a boy had kissed her.

My second grade announced at the dinner table that after school a boy in her class had kissed her.

Trying to stay cool her mother asked, “How did that happen?”



Our daughter said, “It wasn’t easy, I needed three other girls to help hold him on the ground.”

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