Home Lifestyle A man walks into a bar and orders 12 drinks

A man walks into a bar and orders 12 drinks

A man walks into a bar, orders 12 shots, and starts drinking them as fast as he can.

The bartender asks: “Geez, why are you drinking so fast?”

The man says: “You would be drinking fast too if you had what I had.”

The bartender asks: “What do you have?”

The man answers: “75 cents.”

A cowboy nobody knew walks into a mining town bar.

A lonely cowboy nobody knew walks into a mining town bar.

He orders two drinks, which he downs slowly.

When he finished drinking, he paid the bartender and walked out to see that his horse with all his stuff was missing.

He turns around, walks back into the bar, pulls his g-u.n.s from his holster, and s-h.o.ots them in the air.

“Ever one of you cow dung stole my horse better have it back by the time I finish my next drink, otherwise I am going to have to do what I did in Texas. And trust me, I don’t want ever to do that again.”

The stranger finishes his drink, walks out and his horse is there where he left it. He got up on it when the bartender and the bar patrons ran out after him.

He returns to the bar, gets another drink, and slowly drinks it. The people in the bar started murmuring, talking among themselves, and looking at the stranger with fear in their eyes.

The stranger finishes his drink, walks out and his horse is there where he left it. He then stood up as the bartender and bar patrons ran after him.

The bartender said, “Sir, we are sorry for what happened. But please tell us what happened in Texas after someone stole your horse?”

The stranger looked at him and said, “I had to walk home.”


Hope this joke will make you smile! Have a nice day!!

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