Home Lifestyle A Man Walking His Dogs

A Man Walking His Dogs

Ben was a proud owner of two dogs named Commonsense and Trouble.

He loved them very much and always took them to the park in the evening to have fun and play around.

They did this every day.

One day, in particular, Ben switched things up and took only Trouble to the park.

While hanging with his friends and playing games with them, he quickly noticed that Trouble was nowhere to be found.

He began searching frantically for the animal, and a lady noticed him looking distressed.

She stopped him and said, “What are you looking for?”

He answered her and said he was looking for Trouble.

Confused by his answer, she asked him again and he replied in a louder voice that he was looking for Trouble.

Pissed off, the woman yelled at him, “where’s your commonsense?”

With a polite look, he replied, “at home.”


A Man And His Dog Walk Into A Pub.

A man and his dog walk into a pub.

The landlord said, “Sorry, we don’t allow pets in here.”

The man replied, “But my dog can talk. Will you let him in if he talks?

The landlord chuckled, shook his head saying, “Yeah, sure, why not?”

The man looked at his dog and smiled, “Alright! What’s on the outside of a tree?”

The dog said, “Bark”.

“What’s on top of a house?”, he asked next.

“Roof!” the dog responded.

“What’s the opposite of smooth?”, he finally said.

“Ruff! said the dog.

The landlord snapped and stamped his feet on the ground saying, “That’s it. Get out of my bar.”

The man sighed and walked out of the bar with his dog.

Outside the pub, the man shouted at the dog saying, “What the hell was that?!”

“Yeah, I know, I’m sorry,” the dog said.


Hope this joke will make you smile! Have a nice day!! 

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