Home Lifestyle A man and his son visit the supermarket

A man and his son visit the supermarket

In the supermarket, a man was pushing a trolley with a screaming, bellowing baby sitting in the front seat.

“Don’t cry, Albert. Don’t scream, Albert. Don’t yell, Albert. Keep calm, Albert,” the man kept repeating softly.

A woman standing next to him said: “You certainly are good at trying to calm your son, Albert.”

The man looked at her and said: “Lady, I’m Albert.”


A father and son head to a football match

A father and his son arrive at a football game but the father can’t find the tickets.

“Go home and see if I left the tickets there,” the father told his son.

“No problem, Dad.”

The boy runs home and leaves the dad waiting at the game.

Half an hour later, the boy returned to his father, who was waiting patiently outside the stadium.

The father asks: “Did you find them?”

The boy replies: “Yep, they’re on the kitchen table where you left them.”


Hope this joke will make you smile! Have a nice day!!

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