Home Lifestyle A Homeless Man

A Homeless Man

A man was walking through a rather seedy section of town when a bum walked up to him and asked the man for two dollars.

The man asked, “Will you buy booze?”

The bum replied, “No.”

Then the man asked, “Will you gamble it away?”

The bum said, “No.”

Then the man asked the bum, “Will you come home with me so my wife can see what happens to a man who doesn’t drink or gamble?”

Liam and his mother joke

Liam and his mother joke

Mother: Who do you like more, me or your dad.

Liam: I like you both

Mother: Ok, if I go to America and your dad goes to Paris,
where will you go

Liam: I will go to Paris.

Mother: That’s means you like dad more

Liam: No, its because i like Paris

Mother: Ok, fine, if I go to Paris and your dad goes to America,
where will you go.

Liam: I will go to America.

Mother: Why

Liam: Because I have already gone to Paris.